Risk of Night vs. Day in Fort Worth Rear-End Crashes
Rear-end collisions are always a potential danger to drivers in Dallas, Arlington, and Fort Worth, TX. Drivers need to understand the risk, make informed choices and do everything that they can to avoid becoming involved in a crash. Recently, researchers…
The Psychology of Why Wichita Drivers Get in Rear-End Collisions
According to research from Purdue University, more than 30 percent of all multi-vehicle car accidents that occur within the U.S. are rear-end accidents. A rear-end accident lawyer knows it is important to the safety of roads throughout Wichita to determine why…
Stop Rear-End Accidents in Chicago With These Tips
A rear-end collision is one of the most common kinds of crashes in Chicago and surrounding areas including Evanston, Wilmette and Highland Park. According to a Penn State University report, the typical car in the U.S. will be involved in…
Massachusetts auto accident rates falling for older drivers? Get the facts!
Are older drivers safer drivers in Massachusetts? There’s no easy answer. The rate of nonfatal and fatal auto accidents has fallen faster among elderly drivers than among younger drivers nationwide, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. But reports…